Empowering homeowners to be part of the energy transition through affordable and sustainable renovations.
Product Stage: Research, Ideation and Business Plan Development Role: Product Design Lead Team: Gustavo Garcia & Jacques Chevrant-Breton
Renoo is a startup that addresses the problem of inaccessible and inefficient home renovations. Homeowners face challenges with costly, time-consuming, and complex renovation processes that often lack transparency. Additionally, the construction industry struggles with integrating sustainable practices and materials.
A few years ago, driven by my curiosity as an architect to demystify the renovation process, I began this proposal by conducting extensive research on the barriers homeowners face. This involved analyzing renovation trends, energy efficiency standards, and user behavior patterns through surveys conducted in Copenhagen.
From the user research conducted, I identified key pain points within the renovation ecosystem. Homeowners frequently struggle with expensive, time-consuming renovations, and difficulties in scheduling professionals. These pain points highlighted potential solutions to homeowners' challenges.
With the strategy in place, I led the design and development of the digital platform, aiming to simplify the renovation process for homeowners. I focused on creating an intuitive user experience that was engaging and informative, incorporating interactive elements to guide users through planning, decision-making, and implementation stages.
Renoo informs homeowners about their energy consumption habits and motivates them to renovate by highlighting benefits such as cost savings, access to grants and funding, increased property value, and estimated payoff times.
This work resulted in a mobile-based platform that connects homeowners, contractors, and suppliers, simplifying the complexity in the renovation process. This solution aims to integrate data-driven renovation guidance, a curated marketplace of bio-based materials, and a focus on energy efficiency.

This project started as a master’s project assignment, however it is going forward as a startup and is currently under development. We are currently working with industry professionals, understanding their pain points to refine Renoo for the supply side, ensuring its features better support their needs and streamline their processes. The platform aims to highlight best practices in energy efficiency and sustainable design, serving as an educational resource as well as a practical tool.